
Volunteer Clubs

“Könüllü Klublar” layihəsi “Könüllü DOST” proqramı tərəfindən təklif olunan, cəmiyyətin bütün sahələrində gənclərin fəal iştirakına şərait yaratmaq, təcrübi biliklərini artırmaq, yaradıcı və innovativ potensialının üzə çıxarılmasını dəstəkləmək, gənclərin təhsil və məşğulluq məsələlərinə diqqəti artırmaq, habelə gənclərin asudə vaxtlarının daha səmərəli təşkili məqsədi daşıyır.

Creativity club

Creativity club - Aims to gather together volunteers ("young DOST" and "silver DOST" volunteers) who are engaged in music, painting and other varieties of art , as well as people who devote themselves to various art forms and organize numerous master classes for personal development of participants.

Foreign Language Club

Foreign Language Club - Strive to conduct conversation clubs for young people by specialists, to develop their foreign language skills.

Book Club

Book Club - Aims to increase the interest of volunteer DOST's in reading, to create moral influence of worldview and artistic poetry in them, to acquaint young people with new literature in various fields, to organize joint meetings with writers, to discuss selected literature samples and exchange ideas.

Film Club

Film Club - After watching a movie with young people, conducting analyzes on it, inspecting characters, as well as organizing more efficient leisure activities for young people

Healthy Life Club

Healthy Life Club - The main goal of the club issupport the healthy development of volunteers working within the "Konullu DOST" program, regardless of their age, including the effective use of their free time.

Project Club

Project Club - project preparation is aimed at conducting training on this topic to volunteers who want to realize their projects as "Initiative groups" for various local and international grant competitions, including those who want to form as project managers.

Personal Development Club

Personal Development Club - Supporting career and personal development. This club aims to improve the worldview of volunteers, the initial steps on the career path, and the improvement of their individual skills.

History Club

History Club - The conduct of training sessions by professional speakers on various topics related to Azerbaijani and world history to young people, aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of volunteers in the field of history.

Public Speaking and Debate Club

Public Speaking and Debate Club - to develop the culture of public speaking in young people, concepts about public speaking, incomprehensible factors for speech are aimed at instilling knowledge and skills in young people on the topics of anxiety management.

Intellectual Games Club

Intellectual Games Club - to form the knowledge and skills of young people through training and competitions, to instill in them such skills as motivation in research and intellectual tournaments, as well as "volunteer friend" his program aims to form a team of intellectual competitions.

Travelers Club

Travelers Club - Aims to increase the worldview of young people, improve their knowledge about the history, ethnography and tourist relief of different countries, including Azerbaijan, to support volunteers in proper travel planning and finding tourist attractions in different countries.