

As stated in the “state program of Azerbaijani youth in 2017-2021”, which the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan noted in his speech at the Republican meeting dedicated to the day of Azerbaijani youth on 1st February , 2017, and confirmed by order No. 3236 dated 15th September , 2017, to use potential of young people more effectively, to provide active participation of young people in all spheres of society, to instill professional habits to them and to augment their practical knowledge, to support the revelation of creative and innovative potensial of the youth, to increase the attention of the young people to the issues of education and employment, as well as to develop the volunteer movement in the country are the primary duties facing the state youth policy.

Voluntary activity is understood as socially useful and unprofitable activity related to the performance of work or the provision of services not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan according to the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Voluntary Activity”. A volunteer is a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a foreigner or a stateless person who personally carries out socially useful activities that are not paid on the basis of his or her will and free choice.


As a logical continuation of the state policy in the relevant field, duties such as attracting volunteers (especially young specialists and students) to the activities of “DOST” centers, taking actions for motivating them, for this purpose, cooperating with educational institutions are envisaged in the 3.1.18th subparagraph of the “Charter of the Agency for Sustainable and Operative Social Provision” confirmed by the decree No. 387 of the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 10th December 2018.

Taking into account the above mentioned, during short period of its activity, the Agency for Sustainable and Operative Social Provision has started to organize volunteer activities, to form its policy in this area and to cooperate with relevant partners since April 12, 2019.