


"Young DOST" subprogram

Target group: young people aged 16-29.

Information about the subprogram: It aims to provide young people, including people with disabilities, with experience in the field of citizen services, acquiring initial business skills, personal development and laying the foundation for the first successful steps on a career path. The duration of the volunteer activity is two months, and the work process is usually organized in three shifts of three hours per shift per day.

"Silver DOST" subprogram

Target group: people over 55 years old

Information about the subprogram: It aims at the reintegration into society of people who have reached retirement age, the exchange of intergenerational experience and knowledge, the active organization of leisure time and active aging of the elderly. The duration of the volunteer activity is two months, and the work process is usually organized in two shifts of four hours per shift, usually working days of the week.

Gümüşü DOST
Distant DOST

"Distant DOST" subprogram

Target group: people over 14 years old

Information about the subprogram: It aims to fulfill the tasks in the fields of education, training, research, PR, consulting, etc. by volunteers in online mode. Based on this subprogram, specialists in relevant fields, public figures, as well as people with disabilities have the opportunity to volunteer in their offices or at home using a computer, tablet or smartphone.

"Corporative DOST" subprogram

Target group: Public and private institutions which are interested in Corporative Social responsibility

Information about the subprogram: It aims at increasing the sense of public and social responsibility in society, more effectively organizing the corporative social responsibility programs of various organizations, as well as directing social initiatives in the right directions within the framework of mutually beneficial cooperation.

Korporativ DOST
İnklüziv DOST

"Inclusive DOST" subprogram

Target group: people aged 16-35

Information about the subprogram: It is a volunteer activity which is carried out at the DOST Center for Inclusive Development and Creativity. The framework of this subprogram aims at providing the necessary support to people with disabilities, family members of martyrs, veterans and members of their families, children and adolescents from vulnerable groups, children deprived of parental care, wheelchair users and underage orphans on the basis of the center at DOST Center for Inclusive Development and Creativity, ensuring the welcoming and departure of guests at large-scale events, informing the visitors about the center, and also regulating work in other areas.